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Louis Cahuzac
(Jean) Louis (Baptiste) Cahuzac (12 July 1880 – 9 August 1960) was a French clarinetist and composer. Cahuzac was an outstanding performer and one of the few clarinetists who made a career as a soloist in the first part of the 20th century.
Louis Cahuzac was born in Quarante. His teacher was Cyrille Rose.
Cahuzac made the first recording of Carl Nielsen's Clarinet Concerto, a piece originally written for the Danish clarinetist Aage Oxenvad.
On 22 November 1958, at the age of 78, he recorded the Clarinet Concerto in A major by Paul Hindemith for the EMI music label under the composer's baton.
Cahuzac died after a motorcycle accident at Bagnères-de-Luchon.

Perier Canzona
Cahuzac Cantilene
Jeanjean Arabesques
Paradis L' Air de Marlbrough
Nielsen Concerto Mvt1
Nielsen Concerto Mvt 2
Hindemith Concerto Mvt1
Hindemith Concerto Mvt2
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